ClickMeeting accessibility information
At ClickMeeting, we want to make sure that all users enjoy the full accessibility of both our platform as well as the websites and other materials we publish.
For this reason, we are developing solutions to provide users with the best possible experience. This is especially true for people with disabilities, the visually and hearing impaired.
Below you will find a list of accessibility features for the services and tools provided by ClickMeeting.
ClickMeeting service
A chat transcription, event recording and text transcription can be downloaded from the account panel, allowing the organizer to further make these materials available to users in the most convenient form.
Browser version of the webinar platform
Users are also provided with a live audio transcription. This feature allows users to display attendees’ speech in real time in text form.
Users can also change the size of the font displayed in the chat.
Desktop application
Users can change the font size in the chat.
Mobile application
ClickMeeting’s mobile app is compatible with some third-party plug-ins to make it easier for people with low vision or blindness to use the service. For example, the buttons in the mobile app are designed to be read aloud by external plug-ins (the so-called voice over function).
In addition, users can change the size of the font displayed in the chat.
ClickMeeting website
The ClickMeeting website can be read by computer programs. Users can enlarge the font and change the contrast of the content displayed to increase its visibility.
Embedded videos can use YouTube’s automated transcription.