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ClickMeeting status page

ClickMeeting status page: find out the current status of ClickMeeting services What will you learn with the ClickMeeting status page? When is it worth checking the ClickMeeting status?

ClickMeeting status page: find out the current status of ClickMeeting services

To learn the current status of our services, visit the ClickMeeting status page. It allows you to see whether we are currently experiencing problems with the platform’s performance. You will also find out about historical data.

What will you learn with the ClickMeeting status page?

Primarily, you will find the current status of ClickMeeting. You’ll see if any issues with service availability have been identified, including creating and joining events or using particular tools.

Our technical team updates ClickMeeting’s status whenever problems are detected. The description includes, among other things, the current status of the incident, the components that may be malfunctioning, and the location responsible for the errors. ClickMeeting’s status also provides a commentary with additional explanations and recommendations.

In the first section of the ClickMeeting status page you will find active incidents. In the next section, we put a table that will help you determine the status of specific services, such as:

  • Marketing pages
  • API
  • Product panel
  • Event rooms
  • Room recording
  • Telephone gateways
  • Private Label environment,
  • Document conversion
  • Integrations
  • Mobile application
  • Customer support

The ClickMeeting status page also lets you determine the number of active incidents and maintenance works, as well as the number of incidents observed in the last 30 days. In the last section of the page, you will find a history of incidents from the last 30 days, along with their extended description, dates and how the problem was resolved.

When is it worth checking the ClickMeeting status?

The ClickMeeting status is worth reviewing, first of all, if you notice any problems with the platform’s operation – for example, you can’t join or create an event or use any of the platform’s features. The ClickMeeting status page will help you quickly determine if this is caused by technical problems we are currently experiencing. In many cases, this way you will be able to determine the cause of the problem and when you can expect full functionality of the platform to be restored.

It’s also a proven source of information on incidents that occurred in the past.

If you have additional questions or notice service availability issues that are not reported in the ClickMeeting status, please contact our support department via chat or email at If you frequently create online events, it’s also a good idea to subscribe to the status page. That way you won’t miss any important information.