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New to ClickMeeting?
Use these guides to get started.


New to ClickMeeting?
Use these guides to get started.


Getting Started with the Event Room

Schedule your event Launch your event room Manage event room appearance Set up your camera and microphone Choose recorder layouts Manage the attendee list Invite more attendees Chat with attendees Share presentation files Manage the event type Display AV View on the whole screen Show your presentation Use the Whiteboard Share your screen Manage YouTube videos Create a new poll for attendees Interact with attendees via Q&A Create a custom Call-To-Action button Go live on Facebook or YouTube Get feedback from your attendees End your event View history and statistics

Schedule your event

After logging into your account, you will see the Dashboard where you can view the Statistics as well as all your upcoming events. Click the Create webinar or Create meeting button to create your event of choice. A new window with details will appear on the screen.

Launch your event room

Scroll down the page to your upcoming events list, find the event you would like to start and click Join. Alternatively, hover over the Create meeting button and choose the Meet now option for a spontaneous session or go to the Details of the event and click directly on the Room URL.

At this stage, you can either start your event or prepare and start it later. Attendees will wait in your waiting room until you are ready to go.

Manage event room appearance

We offer a standard event room layout for each type of plan. You can, however, still hide the AV pod, Chatbox, and Attendee list by clicking on the small arrow (A) next to it. Presenters and attendees are able to pin or unpin the floating AV pod (B) and place it anywhere in the event room. If needed, you can also synchronize the layout on your and your attendees’ screens, so everyone will be focused on the same item displayed.

Set up your camera and microphone

To allow access to your video device, click on the camera icon located in the camera-and-voice pod.

Your browser may display a pop-up message asking for permission to access your webcam. For example, in Google Chrome it will look like this:

You can display an avatar instead of a camera feed. Click the Room info button in the top-right corner of the event room, then click the icon with your current avatar/initials. Choose an avatar from the list or upload your own image and click Apply.

To allow access to your audio device, click the microphone icon in the camera-and-voice pod.

A pop-up may appear in the browser address bar asking for permission. Click Allow and you are ready to start. Such pop-ups will not appear in Safari and Edge.

You can use the picture-in-picture function. During screen sharing or when minimizing the room window, you will see a floating video and audio window.

Note that currently picture-in-picture only works in Chrome, Edge and Opera browsers. The picture-in-picture function is not available if you are using view synchronization. Also, when using picture-in-picture, you will not be able to synchronize views.

Choose recorder layouts

Click on the REC button in the bar at the top of the event room to display proposed recorder layouts. You are able to choose one of them at the very beginning of your event or change them during the event. The layout change will be captured on your recording.

Manage the attendee list

From the attendee list, click the name of any attendee to view more details, including location or email address.

You can grant the presenter’s rights, lock and unlock the microphone and camera, assign screen sharing privileges, start a private chat session, block activity, re-login or log out the user.

Invite more attendees

During your event, you can invite more attendees easily by clicking the Invite attendees icon in the attendee list. A new window will appear on the screen giving you two options: invite by email or invite by text message.

To send email invitations, provide an email address and click the Send button. Please note that you can only send one email invitation at a time from your event room.

To send text message invitations to people you want to join your event, choose the appropriate Country Calling Code, then provide a phone number and click Send. The number of text messages that you can send is limited.

Chat with attendees

The chat window, available in the lower right corner of the event room, allows the organizer, presenters and attendees to interact by exchanging text messages.

To send a message in the chat window, click the message entry bar, enter your message and click Enter. You can also add emoji to make it more interactive and express emotions more effectively. To do so, click the small emoticon available in the bar and choose among hundreds of suggestions.   

Check out what else the chat room offers in this article.

Share presentation files

The host can upload files available in the ClickMeeting account’s file library via chat. To do so, use the plus icon and select the appropriate option. Click on the file you would like to share with your attendees. It will appear in the chat window. You can upload a file limited to 1GB from your computer.

If you no longer wish to share the file, click the Delete message button in the Attachements section.

You are also able to share your files with attendees by going to the menu on the left, choosing Presentation and then clicking on the Share file icon.

Manage the event type

You can control the flow of your event with ease. Switch between the 4 event types:

1) Presenters only – use this mode if you want to quickly discuss some matters with your presenters. It allows presenters to speak to each other without participants hearing them. Your audio and video will not be recorded. If you and your attendees need to take a breather, go ahead and use this option as a short break before continuing the event.

2) Webinar – a type of event where the audience can listen to the presentations but cannot ask questions. Only presenters can talk when this type is enabled.

3) Meeting – up to 40 people can speak, listen to, and see each other, and everyone can contribute to the conversation. Choose this type if you want to turn your event into an online discussion.

4) Edu mode – perfect for running efficient, distraction free online classes andpresentations. Once enabled, presenters will see all the event attendees, while the attendees will only see the presenters and not one another. Presenter can ask an attendee (or multiple attendees) to speak to the entire group. Edu mode can be enabled during meetings and webinars with up to 40 participants. Please note that you cannot switch to Edu mode if the number of people in your room exceeds 40.

A confirmation message will appear on the screen after each change of the event type.

Display AV View on the whole screen

Go to the menu on the left side of the event room and click on the AV View option. This option is great for all presenters who are not planning to show any presentations during their event. The camera stream will be displayed in the main window of the event room instead.

Show your presentation

To display a presentation or a document to your attendees, click the Presentation icon in the menu on the left side of your event room. Find the file you would like to present in the My Files section and click on it. The document will be automatically displayed on the screen.

We highly recommend uploading files you would like to present before the event starts. With the newest option, you can also upload any piece of content into the event room, save the settings, and close the window without worrying it all disappears.

Use the Whiteboard

Click the menu icon on the left and choose Whiteboard to access a blank drawing space. Use the tool on the bottom to draw shapes or add text.

Mark Collaborate if you want your attendees to make changes to the Whiteboard. Click the arrows to add new pages and switch between them. The Clear all button erases the current Whiteboard page. The collaboration option can only be activated if the number of users does not exceed 40.

Share your screen

Click the Screen sharing icon in the menu on the left side of the event room and choose if you want to share your full screen, screen area, or selected application. The first time you use the screen sharing feature, the system prompts you to download and install a plug-in. Please remember, however, it is not necessary, and you can also share your screen via the Internet browser. Your attendees can also share their screen during meetings (only). Note that only one person can share their screen at a time.

After you launch screen sharing, you can use the drawing tools, arrows, and colors to support your demonstration.

Manage YouTube videos

To play a video, click on the menu icon in the upper left corner of the event room and choose YouTube.

Paste the video URL in the search bar.

Create a new poll for attendees

Get feedback from your attendees by asking them to take part in a poll. For a smoother event, prepare polls in advance by entering the room before the event starts. In the menu on the left, choose Surveys and then the Create survey button.

Specify whether you would like to create a Poll or a Test. In tests, you can specify the time and possible score for each question. You can assign points to answers if you wish. To get started, give your survey a name and click Start adding questions.

Click Finish and save to save the poll for later use. To present a poll, go to the menu on the left, choose Surveys and click on the poll you would like to show. For more information, please refer to our video tutorial.

Interact with attendees via Q&A

Manage Q&A session and ask questions: questions asked by users will be automatically added to the Q&A session question pool. You will decide on your own whether to display them. You will also find Q&A session settings in the chat settings window. 

The Q&A Mode can be enabled during the entire event to gather as many questions as possible. It is highly recommended to have another person that could manage the Q&A Mode for you while you run your presentation.

To display the question on the main screen, go to the Q&A Mode chat section. Hover the pointer over the question you would like to display and click Publish. To stop displaying a question, click on the Unpublish button in the chat box.

Both presenters and attendees are able to mark their messages as questions, which will be separated from the public chat in the Q&A Mode chat box.

If the question mode is enabled, all messages ending with a question mark will be automatically moved to the Q&A Mode chat box.

Create a custom Call-To-Action button

When organizing online courses or sales events, you are able to create your very own Call-To-Action button. It enables you to redirect your attendees to any website of your choice.

Go to the menu on the left side of the screen and click on the Call-To-Action button.

Provide the title of your CTA button, copy and paste the URL, set up how long the button should be displayed, choose colors of the background and button, and click Create.

Remember that you can also add a picture to your Call-To-Action to display, for instance, the logos of your event’s sponsors. The audience can also click on them and be redirected to a different website.

We recommend having another person set up the CTA button for you during your presentation.

Go live on Facebook or YouTube

Your event can also be shared on the Facebook or YouTube platform in real-time. Go to the menu on the left side of the screen and choose the Stream on Facebook or YouTube option. Choose whether you would like to stream your event on Facebook or YouTube.

After choosing the platform, the window with instructions will be displayed on your screen. Follow the steps included in the description and copy and paste the appropriate streaming keys to ClickMeeting.

Once you have copied the streaming keys, click on the GO LIVE button. Please note that a slight delay between ClickMeeting and the Facebook/YouTube stream might appear. This limitation comes from FB/YT livestreaming technology and is not influenced by ClickMeeting.

More information on live streaming to Facebook or YouTube is available in our Help Center.

Get feedback from your attendees

At any time during a presentation, attendees can show their status or express their opinion. The attendees can click on the emoticon icon to display their status:


  • Raise hand – lets you know the attendee has a question.
  • I need help – lets you know if the attendees are experiencing any difficulties.

Attendee status appears to the right of their name on the list.

End your event

In the bottom left corner of the event room, click on the red button and then choose the End event for all button to close the event for all attendees. If you choose Leave event, the room will remain open until the last person leaves.

View history and statistics

In the account panel, go to the Statistics tab where you can see the details of your past events.

After ending an event on the ClickMeeting platform, the system will create two types of PDF reports for you to download and analyze – basic and full report. Please remember that in some cases it might take up to one hour before the file will be ready for you to see.

Please bear in mind that the basic PDF report only contains such information as a short event summary, number of attendees during the event, how they joined it, how they rated your event, where they are from, or which devices they used to see your presentation.

The full PDF report, besides the pieces of information mentioned above, also contains such elements as connection history, map location, how attendees voted or answered polls or surveys, and in which of your other events they took part.